“Kill em’ All!” Not exactly the words we want to hear when referring to anyone. These words were spoken about the Mexican Immigrants crossing the Texas borders. I do have to agree with Ms. Jean in this specific case that stating to kill anyone who crosses the border isn’t rational or humane in any sense, but there is a reason why this has been said. Ms. Jean, in her blog, “Oh For Pete’s Sake”, discusses how the Commissioner of Agriculture has decided it’s time to put a stop the immigration flow into Texas from Mexico. Throughout the blog, she tries to target the unknowing citizen of Texas that doesn’t know what is going on around them. What she says to her audience, will be the only source of News that they are receiving. In some ways, she does speak some truths, but she leaves out major facts that need to be stated!
When writing her blog, she can easily sway someone to believe what she feels if she leaves out important information. The way she wrote the blog, it made it look like there was no sane reason to put a stop to immigration. This is not the case, by reading her embedded link it does verify the fact that some of the border cities are safer than our own city of Austin, but it also shared a vital piece of information. The farmers are ACTUALLY at risk and the threats are REAL! There are drug cartels coming through their towns and putting their own safety at risk. There have been older farmers that have actually given up their careers because of how many dangerous immigrants have been passing through. Now, this doesn’t give us the right to “Kill em’ All”, but it does give us the right to enforce the National Immigration Laws. Texas just needs to find a more humane way to enforce these laws. With all of that said, Ms. Jean should have included the vital piece of information about the farmers being in harms way in her blog to make it less one-sided of an argument. Her audience needs all of the facts before making an opinion for themselves.
Now, before anyone takes Ms. Jean too seriously, it is important to note her line of work. She is a hair stylist. Not that this isn’t a good profession, but how qualified is a hair stylist to give her opinion on politics and what should be going on in this state. She considers her blogs as her political organization.. Last time I checked, a blog site is not equivalent to a political organization. It’s fine to read her blogs, but take them with a grain of salt, because from the looks of it, she leaves out important facts, and isn’t completely qualified to be giving the state of Texas her political opinion.
-Kelsey Scott
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